Heimsuchungen zu Tisch - Teil 1: Multilingual mit Pepe

Heimsuchung 12/31/2017 01:04:00 AM

DarkCharts 2017 – Top 15 Songs die in keinem Jahresranking auftauchen werden (Clickbait)

Indie 12/04/2017 10:04:00 PM


Famous last words

"Es gibt nur cool und uncool und wie man sich fühlt" Tocotronic - 1995
"Look at the bottle, look at the glass, there is your future, there is your past"
Amyl And The Sniffers - 2018
"Don't you think we're terribly incompatible?" my wife Gwen said one tearful night. After ten years of happy marriage and six wonderful children, I knew these words signaled trouble
No Trend - 1982
"Jazz is not dead, it just smells funny."
Frank Zappa - 1974